28 August 2011

Lazy Weekend

Sometimes it's nice to have a weekend with absolutely no plans. There was no place that I needed to be, no alarms needed to be set, there was nothing to do.. and it was awesome. 

Normally our weekends are so busy with things we want to do and places we need to be so this was a nice change of pace. We went on a sushi date on Friday, watched lots of movies, and hung out by the pool on Saturday. I guess we can thank hurricane Irene for the beautiful weather here. Overall, it was a great weekend.

I hope you all enjoyed your weekends as well... and that those of you on the East coast stayed safe and dry. I'm off to attempt to make some homemade fruit leather, because it's my absolute favorite. Yes, I know I am a five year old. Ha! Wish me luck!


  1. LOVE weekends like this! Mine was a little similar actually. So nice to just relax and not worry about a thing =) and YES I hope everyone on the east coast is ok. I have a few friends that live there.
    Hope your week ahead will be as wonderful as your weekend lovely!
    keri~bohemian backbone


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