25 October 2011


I've been going through a pretty rough couple of weeks. Stress has totally taken over and I have been so negative. Normally I'm a very positive person but it's been so hard to find the positive things each day, it's been so much easier to focus on all the negative things. However, I need to change. I need this storm cloud to go away. I am truly very blessed. I need to just take a moment and be thankful for these wonderful blessings:

- A family who loves me and is there for me even though they're so far away.
- The telephone conversation I had with my brother a few days ago. We aren't very close, we're 5 years apart, but as we get older, the age gap shrinks and we become closer. It was really wonderful just chatting with him about things that were going on with us. 
- A boyfriend who sees how I am struggling and does everything he can to make it better. Have you seen the positive tweets that he sends me each day? He's amazing. 
- A job to go to each day that pays the bills. 
... and many many more.  
Everybody has their crosses to bear, however, it's important to remember to be thankful for the blessings you have. I needed this, I needed to focus on the positive things and realize things maybe aren't really all that bad. Life isn't easy, but there are people and things that make it absolutely amazing, be thankful for them.


  1. hang in there girlie, you have so much to be thankful for but I know how you feel. Sometimes life is too overwhelming and it is hard to sit back and enjoy the little blessings.

  2. Hang in there girl! Hugs from TN :)

  3. I feel you lady! Gratitude is a wonderful way to get back to being positive :)


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