22 December 2011

Villanova Class of 2016

Hoooray!!! My brother was accepted to Villanova University and will graduate as the class of 2016.. he'll be the 8th person in our family to go there.. that includes both my parents and myself. I'm so happy for him. I had some of the best times there and I know he will too. I'm really looking forward to visiting him in his dorm and going to some more basketball games (hey Anthony, can you sneak me into the student section?)


I am so proud of you, Anthony, and know you are going to be a GREAT Villanovan.

Later today I get to fly up to New Jersey to see them. It's going to be a good trip with some celebrating! 

PS. These pictures were taken a few years ago when my family came to visit me when I was a student at Villanova.. think he was always meant to go there? hah 

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