06 February 2012

Everything Happens for a Reason

So, you know that job that I keep talking about that I love so much? Well, since it was through a temp agency they decided they didn't want me anymore and let me go without any sort of explanation. All I heard was how good I was doing and how quickly I was picking things up. Then, just like that, I got a call from the temp agency saying they didn't want me.

I spent the entire weekend very upset. I'm right back where I was a few weeks ago. 
Without a job.

I'm trying to stay positive. Again. I keep trying to remind myself that everything happens for a reason. I know there's a plan that's bigger than myself. I will end up where I belong. For now, this not knowing, is so hard to deal with, but it'll all work out. It'll all work out.


  1. Something even better, worth the wait, will come along. You just have to keep up the positive outlook and focus on your worth outside of a job. I feel like my time unemployed was so important because I was able to see the a job was just something I did, and important yes, but that it didn't define me. Such an important thing to remember, because years down the road you'll have a successful career and you won't be able to learn that then, you'll have to already have that in your back pocket :)

  2. I'm so sorry to hear that. Temp agencies are so flighty. I'm sure something great is right around the corner.

  3. stay positive girl! I am so sorry :-( I am actually going through some things at work and it sucks...hang in there I will be thinking of you!

  4. I am so sorry to hear that! I know how you feel, really - the job I have always counted on for summers and school breaks recently told me that they didn't need me for Christmas break. I'm sure you'll find something great!


  5. Exactly.. Everything happens for a reason. I am sure something that will make you happier will come along soonest :)

  6. I'm praying for you RIGHT now, my dear. It is definitely hard not knowing. Your attitude about it is inspiring. So thankful you're in God's hands.

  7. It will all work out like it's meant to! Have faith!

  8. That stinks. That happened to a close friend of mine too and she was devastated, they literally waited for the last day of the trial period to say something. I felt bad for her, but she also felt the way you did "everything happens for a reason". Actually, I think she is happier now. :)


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