12 November 2012

Eating in Memphis (10) - Chinese Sub Shop

Eating in Memphis - Chinese Sub Shop

Even thought the sign over the door says "Super Sub Shop", in Memphis, if you refer to the Chinese Sub Shop everyone knows what you're talking about. I've been a Memphian for two years, and this was my first time going there! It's relatively surprising since we spend alot of time around the University at this part of town.

There has been some talk that the building where the Sub Shop is located is going to be torn down forcing the Sub Shop to relocate or close completely. So, my advice for you? If you're in Memphis you better get your butt on over to this little hole in the wall on Highland and get yourselves a tuna sub.

The Tuna Sub was the item on the 100 Things to Eat in Memphis list, so of course, this is what I ordered. I miiiiight have been a little hesitant to order tuna in this place (when I say hole in the wall... I mean hole in the wall) but it was surprisingly delicious!

Super Submarine Sandwich Shop on Urbanspoon



  1. This is hilarious-- I just ate here for the first time this past week! :) YUMMY!

  2. we flipping love that place...if it closes, the hubs and I will be super sad. and yes, it is quite sketchy inside...but it so dang good!

  3. I went there for the first time last August even though I've lived in Memphis my whole life. I always get the turkey but maybe next time I'll get tuna. Oh, and "hard bread" is a must.

  4. love chinese sub shop!


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