So, you know when you find a blog you've never seen before and you just keep scrolling and scrolling and reading post after post after post? Yeah, that happened when I first stumbled upon Lauren's blog (a really long time ago). I am so happy that she is gracing my sidebar this month! I've been a fan of hers for a while and really hope we get to meet in real life one day!! If you don't read her blog, you should. So, please feel free to read this little blurb about her and then go check out Tennessee Honey (isn't that such a cute blog name?)
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Hi everyone! I'm Lauren and I blog over at Tennessee Honey.
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Hi everyone! I'm Lauren and I blog over at Tennessee Honey.
When I'm not bombarded with school work.
I've been a reader of Alyssa's blog for awhile now. She is one of the sweetest, most genuine bloggers I "know". AND she's only like two hours from me!
I guess I should tell ya'll a little about myself, huh?
Well, I'm 24 years old, married, and have two wonderful/crazy/weird/loving children.
I'm from Tennessee, obvs.
Although I'm from the South, I am FAR from country. I don't even like country music.
Oh, and Harry Potter. I love me some Harry Potter.
I drink coffee. A lot.
I love to read.
I take crappy pictures from my iPhone.
I started my blog about two years ago, not really knowing where I wanted to go with it.
But now, I love blogging. I love "meeting" new people and bonding. I feel like I actually know so many bloggers.
If you like to read about other people's lives, then you will probably semi-like to read mine...I'm sort of a boring "I'd-rather-stay-at-home-than-go-out" type of girl. Mostly because I can never find anything to wear so I'm all...
So there ya have it.
I'm a weird unique Tennessean with a super exciting boring life.
But I would love to "meet" ya'll!
Love the guest post. I have an obsession with owls too and seriously have to hold back to not constantly purchase every one I see lol!! I'm in Memphis. Nice to meet another Tennesseean.