21 July 2015

Some HUGE News

Five years ago, on my very first trip to Graceland, this picture was taken. Well, I am beyond thrilled and honored to announce that this year, I have been asked to be the Official Elvis Week Blogger. You guys, this is a huge deal. Basically, during Elvis Week, I will be attending lots of fun events around Graceland and Memphis and hanging out with Elvis fans from all over the world. Then, I get to write about it for the Graceland blog. Can you say dream assignment?

Ok, now I'll bet you're wondering how I got this amazing opportunity. Well, it's actually a pretty funny story. A few years ago, Jeremy and I went to an Elvis Week event and happened to get our picture taken by a photographer. A few months ago, they used that picture on their website (click here to see it!). As it turns out, someone in the offices of Graceland recognized me as a Memphis blogger, so they reached out to me, we had a meeting and they offered me the most exciting job I have ever had.

So, be sure to follow along on the Graceland Blog to see what I'm up to during Elvis Week, and don't stop checking here, there will definitely be some new posts.

Elvis Week, I am ready for you and I cannnnnnot wait!!

PS. Here's the official announcement that was made on the Graceland blog. 


  1. Oh how awesome!!! I can't wait to read your posts on it. I'll be down there for the Elvis 5k in a few weeks

  2. Nice!!! That's so exciting, congrats! :)


  4. Hi Alyssa.. congrats sweetie thats amazing news and what an accomplishment...I, too fell in love with Memphis and all its history last year on my visit there.. I was recently browsing thru Graceland webaite and info on ur blog cane up and I was so excited to subscribe and read ur stories.. I hope we can meet and share with you my love for Elvis and how I am trying to be a part of keeping his memory alive as I recently became the Official Elvis Presley Fan Club president of Qatar and 1st in the Middle East and will be atending Elvis week next year.... so I hope to meet you.. This is my email and I hope to read back from you soon sweetie.. God bless Lbseiso@gmail.com

  5. I meant I will be attending Elvis Week this year 😊 as in next week!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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