18 November 2011

Fourth Quarter Loss

.... another one. Another Memphis Tiger football game lost in the fourth quarter. They were up pretty much the entire game then totally collapsed in the fourth quarter. Pretty much the same exact thing that happened last weekend!!

Hey Memphis football team, we were out there freezing our butts off for you!! Sure, there aren't many of us left, but some of us are still behind you even though this has been a pretty terrible season.

I was so bundled.. it was freezing. I thought the South was supposed to be warm? I pretty much sat like this through the entire game...

I reallllly was hoping U of M would make a move to the Big East so they'd have a chance to play Villanova.. pretty bummed that's not happening anymore. 

Moving right along, I hope you all have super fun weekend plans! I'm hoping Jeremy and I get to check out a new restaurant because it's Restaurant Week here in Memphis! 

Ps. All photos today were taken by the one and only Jeremy. My fingers were way too cold. 


  1. you look amazing in that hat! and so cute all bundled up!

  2. aww im sorry they lost.. you do look cute all bundles up :D

  3. I love the bundled up picture of you. You look adorable;)



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