I got to be part of something pretty amazing the other night. Jeremy brought me to "Family Night". It's something Y-CAP does once a month for the children in the program. Basically all the kids and their families get together one night, pray together, have dinner together, and listen to a guest speaker.
- Is a faith-based program that works with at-risk youth (10 - 16 years old) and includes the entire family
- Is a holistic program that emphasizes specific values such as caring, honesty, respect and responsibility
- Is recognized by local school and court personnel as being a highly effective prevention and intervention program
I am so proud of him for what he does. This is such a good thing to be working for. He's literally impacting the lives of these kids in a positive way. He said to me, even if you only reach one child, it's all completely worth it.
It makes me reevaluate things. I am blessed in so many ways yet I complain about silly things.
Sometimes I don't necessarily see a point in what I do everyday. I wish I did something that made a bigger impact on the world. Sure, I do think people need a place to go for entertainment, a place to hang out, and a place to have fun. But is this really worth all the stress that I put myself under? It sometimes feel like the reward isn't as great as the sacrifice.
Where do I go from here? Do I try to move in a different direction? Do I simply try to see the positives and focus on those? Maybe I'm just in a funk.. ugh I don't know what to do.
Lately I've been seeing this alot..
"He has made everything beautiful in its time." - Ecclesiastes 3:11
This has been keeping me going. I know it all happens for a reason.
Just gotta have faith that it'll all work out and be ok. In the mean time, I do enjoy what I do everyday, it could be a whole lot worse anddd I get to hear all of Jeremy's stories and be a part of Family Night.
Just gotta have faith that it'll all work out and be ok. In the mean time, I do enjoy what I do everyday, it could be a whole lot worse anddd I get to hear all of Jeremy's stories and be a part of Family Night.
I love that scripture..