12 March 2013


Ten Feet Off Beale Crawfish

I felt like a real Southerner this weekend. While driving home after a busy day downtown, we drove by several crawfish stands. For those of you who don't know (since this is new to me, too) around this time of year, you'll notice trucks and stands along the main road in Mississippi selling crawfish by the pound. We decided to stop! I'd had crawfish only one other time and thought it was... interesting. They're like mini lobster shrimp. To eat them, you have to peel them apart to get the meat... kinda strange.

Apparently though to be considered a true southerner, you have to suck the heads. No, thank you!! Definitely not ready for that!

Ten Feet Off Beale Crawfish

This was the stand! Literally, it's parked in a gas station haha only in Mississippi? 
Do they sell crawfish like this near where you live? 


  1. What did you think of them??

    I've lived here my whole life and still won't eat them! Haha

  2. My Mike is obsessed with these after going to a crawfish boil in Memphis. Ive only had them like twice and personally would rather have a lobster tail or peeled shrimp, but I do like the crawfish boils...such a fun party idea!!

  3. My Mike is obsessed with these after going to a crawfish boil in Memphis. Ive only had them like twice and personally would rather have a lobster tail or peeled shrimp, but I do like the crawfish boils...such a fun party idea!!

  4. Hilarious!! No worries on sucking the heads. I am born and raised Mississippi and just started doing that recently. Kendol and I work at our little crawfish bar right down the street!! It's so much fun.

  5. I don't think I've seen crawfish being sold randomly on the streets, but Birmingham does have a big Crawfish Boil festival-type thing every year! I swear, you see the shells scattered on ground for weeks and weeks afterward. I haven't ever tried them myself though - something about buying crawfish out of a truck seems iffy to me, but I also have an irrational fear of getting sick from seafood. as a result I'm really picky about where I buy/eat mine!

  6. When we lived overseas, one of the guys with our group was from Alabama and missed his annual crawfish boils back home so every year he hosted a crawfish boil in his apartment in Wuhan, China, haha! It was the first time I'd had it and they were so good! But I definitely don't suck the heads, haha!

  7. I sucked the head once and got it over with. Just for bragging rights that I've done it.. HAHA!

  8. i havent tried them yet! i am hoping when i go to new orleans to try some!

  9. i havent tried them yet! i am hoping when i go to new orleans to try some!

  10. I love the IDEA of crawfish, but they take so long to peel for so little meat, and then they're so spicy! But my church has a huge crawfish boil every spring, and I always go. :)

  11. You have to suck the head! I promise it isn't as bad as you think it may be... so yummy!

  12. I'd been craving crawfish and went to Flying Fish Sat night with my man candy, but sadly we didn't get a good batch. I think I'm turned off to them completely now. But I'll still go to a crawfish boil in a minute!

  13. Oh my goodness my husband would absolutely love this! Unfortunately we don't live any where near crawfish are sold.

  14. Hmmn- I don`t think I have ever tried crawfish before. How do you cook them/what do you serve it with usually?

    Some Snapshots Blog

  15. Have to agree with the above reader so much time for so little meat.

    xo Meg

  16. ohhhh yea!! I was raised down south and these are great! if seasoned the right way and with a corn on the cobb mmhm


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