05 March 2013

Eating in Memphis (16) - McEwen's

Eating in Memphis - Ten Feet Off Beale - McEwen's 

My parents came to visit this weekend!! Since they read my blog and follow along with my Eating in Memphis challenge, I figured I should take them along to one of the restaurants. We chose McEwen's

This has probably been the most upscale restaurant we've come across so far. Located right in the heart of downtown Memphis, we enjoyed the location, the atmosphere, the cozy table, and especially the Chilean Sea Bass, the item on our list. Once again, something I probably never would have ordered but I ate the entire thing.

McEwen's On Monroe on Foodio54
 McEwen's on Monroe on Urbanspoon


  1. that looks delicious!

  2. Hands down my fav restaurant in Memphis! Glad you enjoyed it.

  3. Ohhhh! I have been meaning to try this place - did anyone else get anything that they loved?


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