13 June 2013


This is my family. We took these pictures on my last visit up to New Jersey! The sun was shining, we were all dressed up, it was the perfect setting for a little family photo shoot.

Today I am here writing about my family, especially my Dad, and to ask all of you readers out there for some thoughts and prayers.

A few weeks ago I mentioned that my Dad was sick and could possibly need a bone marrow transplant. (Read that post here)

My Dad has a type of leukemia called Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, or more simply CLL. He was diagnosed when I was in the 8th grade. Without going too much into it, basically what happens is (in a very simplified way) my Dad's white blood cell count gets very low and he needs to undergo treatment. There are all sorts of side affects and symptoms and it makes his immune system pretty much nonexistent making him prone to all sorts of ailments. He has gone through a few different types of chemotherapy and gone into remission. This process has happened a few times.

Recently, his counts haven't been looking too good. When I wrote the post a few weeks ago, there were some talks of a bone marrow transplant, thankfully, it looks like he doesn't need one of those just yet. That is a very serious surgery that we hope he can avoid, at least for many more years.

However, there are still some issues. In the past few weeks, my Dad's health has gotten worse. They decided that the best course of action is for him to receive another type of chemotherapy starting on Monday, his birthday. This is a much more aggressive form of chemo than he's ever had and the side affects are going to be severe.

All of this is scary. It scares me, it scares my brother, it scares my Mom, it especially scares my Dad. The next few months are going to be very trying for my family. I'm going up to visit this weekend and I'm sure there will be many more trips. Family really is the most important thing in the world.

So if you happen to think about it, please keep my family, especially my Dad in your prayers.

It feels a little strange putting this information out there on my blog for the world to see, almost as if I'm accepting that this is really happening. It is happening, and I can't do this alone. This community is truly something special and I know that with your support my family will get through this.


  1. Sending prayers and positive vibes! Hang in there girl!


  2. Thinking of you and your family. Sending lots of positive and healing vibes to you dad. Safe travels!

  3. On my prayer list! Keep your faith. My cousin had Leukemia for 10+ years.. and then one day, it was gone. Fully gone. Also a New Jersey resident, as you know NJ folks are absurdly tought ;) Keeping you all in my thoughts, xoxo

  4. I will be praying for him and you!

  5. Praying for your dad, you and the rest of your family. Hopefully he can get by without having to have the surgery and quickly recover from the side effects of the treatment. Safe travels to you this weekend too!

  6. Thinking about your family! God has this all under control!

  7. Hi Alyssa, This is Emily from high school. I like to read your blog bc you always have great stories/ photos.

    Just want you to know that I am certainly praying for your father and family. God bless you all.

  8. I'll be thinking about y'all and your dad! Y'all look so great in those pictures.

  9. Your dad and your entire family will definitely be in my prayers. I can't imagine the emotions you're dealing with, and in addition to your dad's good health, I'll pray for a peace for you all.

  10. what a beautiful family. I will definitely keeep your dad in my prayers. keep being strong<3

  11. Praying for your dad and your family! <3

  12. Thinking of you and your family and sending many prayers your way.

  13. I'm a relatively new follower, but I just wanted to know that I'll be praying for your dad!


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