06 September 2013

24 while 24 - Recap

Ten Feet Off Beale - 24 while 24

Monday was a big day. It was Labor day, meaning we had the day off, I turned 25, anddd I realized I totally failed at my 24 while 24 challenge!! Wow, I don't know if I made my goals too difficult, or if the year went by really fast. Probably a little bit of both. Besides not completing a ton of stuff on my list, some exciting things happened! There was an engagement, we bought our first home, and so so so many more fun and exciting things!!

You can see the entire 24 While 24 list here, and below you can read a recap and my thoughts now that I am officially 25.

1 - Move: I did it!! I moved and am writing this from my new home. Not just my home, but the first home that Jeremy and I will live in when were married. Exciting times!!

2- Run an entire 5K: I actually participated in two this year!! On the other hand, I think it's been several months since I've gone on a nice long run. Probably should get back into the gym. Probably.

3- Eat at 10 new places: We ate at way more than ten and blogged about 13 of them. Eating off of the 100 Things to Eat in Memphis List has been super helpful! I highly suggest everyone finds a list like this for their town, or makes their own!

4- Read 24 books: I only read 11!!! That actually really surprises me. I tend to read alot. I think the number isn't as high because I've spent more time reading my Bible when I'd usually pick up a novel. Nothing wrong with that in my book! (see what I did there? hah)

5- Throw a Party: Didn't throw a party. BUT we are planning a wedding (our big day is May 31, 2014) anddd I'm also helping to throw a baby shower for my future sister-in-law!

6- Visit 5 new cities: I only visited 3 new places this year. I did, however, visit some places that I had been to before. I'll probably continue to keep setting goals that involve traveling. I love visiting new places!

7- Learn basic photography: This one is a big fat FAIL. I didn't even attempt this one. I still use the automatic settings. #badblogger

8- Grow my hair out: I think I did pretty good with this one. I mean, look how short my hair looks in my 24 while 24 picture above!! Side note: I have the terrible awful no good very bad habit of splitting my dead ends. Now that I have an official wedding date and know that I want long healthy hair when I get married, I've been really trying to break this habit. I've actually been doing pretty good! It's been almost 4 weeks without splitting a single end! This is a huge deal people.

9- Pay for someone else at a drive-thru: Another big fat FAIL. This one is disappointing to me. Honestly, I don't think I found myself at enough drive-thrus this year to remember this one. But, I don't want to make excuses. I will be doing more random acts of kindness this year for sure!!

10- Leave anonymous letters in public for strangers to find: Yep. Completely forgot about this one soooo I didn't do it. I probably should have checked my list more often.

11- Go to an NHL game: This didn't happen but that wasn't entirely my fault!! There was a hockey lockout. We WILL be going to a game this year though!

12-  Volunteer: I helped out when situations arose. I would like to get better at actively seeking opportunities to give my time to help others.

13- Visit an orchard or farm: It's no secret that I love orchards, farms, and fields. Jeremy is pretty much the best and literally pulls the car over so we can take pictures in pretty fields. So this one is a WIN!

14- Have a significant amount of money in savings: Yeah, buying a home has put a bit of a damper on that. I was doing really well until we had to pay a downpayment. Totally worth it.

15- See a movie at a drive in: Didn't do this one. That's sad. Maybe this year?

16- Go Camping: Is it just me or did this spring and summer completely FLY by?!

17- Bake Christmas cookies: Somehow I made it through Christmas season without baking a single cookie. #lame

18- Carve a pumpkin: Finally! Something else that we actually did!! We actually carved a pumpkin!!

19- Dye Easter eggs: Nope. Completely forgot.

20- Get a massage: Can I do this one again?

21- Memphis area blogger meetup: I repeat.. can I do this one again?? I actually went to a few blogger meetups this year and can't wait for the next. Let's meetup again soon, ladies!!

22- Get dressed up and go to something fancy: Hmmmm, I'm going to give this one a "sort of" win. When I wrote this list, I expected to go to something like a wedding or other fancy event like that. We went to a few events but nothing too fancy. Also, since I've started doing Wednesday Wore posts, I've started dressing nicer. So I consider this a win.

23- Update blog design: The extremely talented Kendra did this one for me and I stillll love it like crazy!

24- Watch five of the oscar best picture winners: This was way harder than I thought it would be. We had a rough time tracking down old movies to watch! Basically if they're not on Netflix or in Red Box we don't watch them.

*25- Document memories: I didn't print one single picture. FAIL.

Well, it was a good year. Not so good for my list, but 24 was good to me. I'm verrrrry excited for 25. Lots of fun things planned. It's going to be a good year :)

Check back next week to see my list of 25 things I want to accomplish while I'm 25!


  1. #8 - make sure you're getting your hair trimmed regularly! (like every couple months) you don't have to cut off much, but trimming off the split ends especially really helps your hair grow better and keeps it healthy.

    also, I promise, learning to use your camera on manual sounds a lot more complicated than it actually is. you just need to know how to manipulate the basic controls like aperture and shutter speed and ISO, and from there it just comes down to playing around with your camera. the three settings interact with each other to change the exposure of your photo, so it's kind of all about balancing them out.

  2. I've always wanted to pay it forward for someone at the drive thru... great list...I say just continue these goals for 25 as well ;)

  3. You look great in that picture! Sounds like you accomplished a lot this year, even if it wasn't on your list. Some times the most fun things are the unplanned ones!!

    Have a great weekend!

    xo Becky
    Seductive Mania

  4. This so makes me want to make a list like this!!!

  5. This is such a great list! So many congratulations are in order. :) Would love for you to stop by and join my link up - What I'm Loving Fridays, you have a lot to love!

    xo Lulu
    *What I'm Loving Fridays*

  6. I never looked at my 21 in 21 list. lol.

    Good job on getting some of your goals!

  7. Happy belated birthday! It looks like we share a birthday - mine was last Monday also! :-)

  8. I'd say you did pretty well, dear! :-)

  9. I think you did a good job! And lots of exciting things happened this year as well! Hope your 25th year is even better :)


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