01 January 2014

Hello, 2014

Happy New Year - Ten Feet Off Beale http://www.tenfeetoffbeale.com

Happy New Year from the almost Longs!!

Here's to a year full of kept resolutions, love, happiness, and many many good times.

PS. It's our wedding year!! Only about 5 more months to go!!


  1. Aww! Happy New Year :)

    What an exciting year it will be for you!

    Kallie @ But First, Coffee

  2. AH! So exciting!
    and these pictures are great! :)

  3. Aw what cute photos, especially the last one. Happy New Year!

  4. the puppy looks so cute picked up. I love doing that to my puppy too. good luck on the rest of the wedding planning.

  5. Woohoo!!! Yay for your wedding year!!! I hope 2014 is your best year yet! :-)

  6. Your photography is always so beautiful! Just wanted to let you know that you have a new follower ~ just found your blog & I love it! Visit mine too if you have a chance, otherwise, keep blogging & I'll keep reading! much love, Olivia

    PS Hope you guys are having a great 2014 so far!! xoxo



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