29 August 2014

Cinnamon Rolls, Football, Birthdays, and Sushi

Did you know Jeremy and I celebrate our birthdays one day apart (and 6 years but who's counting)? His birthday is the 1st and mine is the 2nd of September. That means that this weekend is birthday weekend!!

The fun part about birthday weekend is that it always falls near labor day so we always get an extra day to celebrate.

Here are some things I'm looking forward to doing this weekend:

- I'm so excited to try the Pioneer Woman's Cinnamon Roll recipe. I've heard nothing but good things and figured birthday weekend was a good special occasion to try it out!

- The Memphis Tigers have their home opener on Saturday, so, as season ticket holders, we will be there with our Tiger Blue on.

- Birthday weekend calls for lots of birthday celebrations! I can't wait to give Jeremy his gifts and celebrate our first birthdays as husband and wife.

- We're planning on going to Bluefin for the first time. I'm not really sure how we've avoided going here for so long, but I'm looking forward to it. Any recommendations?

Overall, we make a big deal about our birthdays and we have fun, feel free to follow along :) #longbirthdayweekend14


  1. How fun that y'alls birthdays are so close! I love celebrating them too - hope you both have a great weekend!

  2. Happy early Birthday! And you may want to wear rainboots and a pancho to the game... Looks like it's going to rain all day!! :(

  3. My mouth is watering at those cinnamon rolls! YUM! Happy birthday to you, sweet girl. I hope you have the best weekend celebrating. And I've heard Bluefin is DELISH! Have a blast!

  4. Happy birthday to the both of you!! My fiancee's parents' birthdays are on the same day but 3 years apart. I love crazy coincidences. I can't wait to hear how the cinnamon rolls come out, I LOVE the Pioneer Woman!

  5. Yay!!!!!!!! Happy birthday weekend to the two of you!!! :-)

  6. Happy birthday! I think your birthday is sliiiiightly better than his birthday. Not that I'm biased... (Your birthday is my birthday!)

  7. Happy belated birthday!! My birthday is also September 2!! Fabulous people are born that day! :) hope you have a great birthday weekend!


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