28 August 2014

Yoga with a Side of Baseball

(Alternate title by Jeremy: Crouching Tiger Hidden Homerun)

The YMCA in Downtown Memphis, the Fogelman YMCA, is pretty awesome. This building has been a YMCA for more than 100 years and it's full of charm. There are several floors, and the pool is housed below ground. There's even a room designated as a chapel with stained glass windows and everything. After all, at it's core, the YMCA is a Christian organization.

In addition to all the little unique qualities the building possesses, there's a rooftop deck with some amazing views of the minor league ballpark making this gym unlike any other gym (at least in Memphis).

On Monday, the Redbirds, our baseball team, had a game anddd there was a yoga class that I wanted to go to. So, Jeremy and I headed over to the Y to watch some baseball then went to the yoga class. It was fun!! I love how accessible everything is! I felt like we were in our own private suite watching the game.

If you're a member of the YMCA, I definitely recommend planning a workout around a baseball game. It's fun to see the ballpark from a different perspective and gives you views unlike any other. If you're not a member of the Y... Y not? (hah yes, I'm a dork)

Not only did we have a good time watching baseball and working out, but I also was able to wear my super cute new yoga outfit! And by wear it, I mean actually to a yoga class, not just wear it while lounging around or running errands like I have been since I got these pieces in the mail. :)

Yoga pants and top c/o Yoga Outlet


  1. That's so cool! Everytime I go to a game I always look at the apartments that are right there and imagine that one day, maybe I can afford those. Free live baseball? Heck yes!


  2. You look adorable! And I LOVE that you can do it from the rooftop! I love Memphis!

  3. Ah, I'm a member of the Y and totally forgot you can see the games from the rooftop there! I need to plan to drop in for a class or some weights and stay for a game. That would be fun! Also, I love those pants!

  4. One I love yoga and baseball. Two, I love your pictures. I follow a lot of fashion blogs and while they are great and all, I always wonder how they look like models all the time. You look so real in your pictures. You look like you hare having fun and you're gorgeous while doing it. So thank you, thank you for being real!

  5. That is one of the coolest yoga locations I've ever seen. There is one in Vancouver at a downtown market that over looks the water, but this is a close second :)


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