25 August 2015

Elvis Week Recap

You might recall that a few weeks back I had the privelage of being the Official Elvis Week Blogger. Basically, I was able to go to amazing events and then write about it... for the Graceland blog.

Anyways, I had the best time ever. I met some incredible people, was able to attend fun events and overall, I had the greatest experience. Before I jump back into regular Ten Feet Off Beale blog posts, I wanted to share what I wrote during Elvis Week. Whether you're an Elvis Presley fan or not, take a read, you might learn something new :)

Five Things to Expect at Elvis Week 2015
Before the week began, I shared some things that could be expected.

10 Best Places to Take A Selfie at Graceland
This one was so fun to put together! There are lots of great places at Graceland to snap a selfie. Memphians, I know there are lots of you who have never visited Graceland. Trust me, you definitely should!!! 

Elvis Presley in Memphis
Graceland isn't the only place in Memphis that was influential to Elvis. I highlighted some other great Memphis landmarks that played a role in Elvis' life and career.

Elvis Presley's Tupelo
Tupelo is a hop, skip, and a jump from Memphis. It's also where Elvis was born andddd a great day trip from Memphis.

Alyssa's Favorite Things: Elvis Presley's Graceland Edition
This one is all about shopping andddd a few of my favorite things that you can find at Graceland.
Touring Elvis Presley's Graceland Archives
This is a great read even if you aren't an Elvis fan. I hope you learn something new!
Elvis Presley is Everywhere
Elvis is still influencing people today!! This post may or may not include one of our wedding pictures ;)
Things You Might Not Know About Elvis Tribute Artists
I hope this post sheds some light on Elvis Tribute Artists. They're so much more than Elvis impersonators and I think after reading things you'll have a whole new appreciation for them. 

Viva Las Vegas
Memphis isn't the only city where you can still find Elvis. There's also Las Vegas! 

Candlelight Vigil
The highlight of Elvis Week is the Candlelight Vigil when everyone can pay their respects and remember the King.

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