01 September 2011

What's for dinner... (2)

I hope everyone has had a great week! I'm linking up again with Mallorie at Home is with you....

On Sunday, I tried something that I had been wanting to do for a while. I turned that pot of strawberries into yummmmmy fruit leather! I am seriously a little kid and love that stuff. As soon as I saw recipes floating around on Pinterest I knew I'd have to try it out. The only thing that I really didn't like was that it takes alllllll day for the strawberry mixture to actually become leathery. The recipe I looked at said 6-8 hours... it took way longer than that. If anybody else has done this and knows a quicker method PLEASE let me know, that'd be great, thanks :)

I was alone on Monday night and not really feeling so good so I made myself some soup. Yes, it was August and about 100 degrees outside and I was sitting here eating hot soup. Whatever, it made me feel better.. and so did the snap peas. Lately, I've been all about snap peas eating them right out of the bag. So delicious. 

On Tuesday, Jeremy got creative with the random ingredients I happened to have in my kitchen. What we ended up with was some angel hair pasta, steamed broccoli, and shrimp all tossed in butter and some garlic salt. It was so simple but came out really good. Oh, and we had crescent rolls on the side because apparently it wouldn't be a food post without some.

Anddddd those are all the pictures I have. Hey, it's a step up from last week's post! I guess I'm getting better. Can't wait to read what everyone else had for dinner this week to get some kitchen inspiration.


  1. Fruit leather is great!I have kids and the kids have to fight me for the last of fruit leather! There is never a bad time for soup even if it is 100 out!

  2. I just added a fruit leather recipe on pinterest yesterday, glad to see someone actually tried it...now I want to! That pasta sounds amazing.

    Thanks for linking up! :)

  3. I've been wanting to try that fruit leather recipe too! How'd the finished product turn out?

  4. Yum! Fruit leather! I want to try making that SO BAD!! Fruit roll ups, heathified :)

  5. You are making me hungry. And homemade fruit leather? I must try this!



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