28 June 2012

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Orpheum Outfit 

The Orpheum is a pretty cool place. Not only can you see traveling Broadway shows there, but in the summer, they play classic movies. We went to see O Brother, Where Art Thou? which is a great movie. If you haven't seen I highly recommend it. It's absolutely hilarious and interesting and George Clooney is in it so you really can't go wrong. We had been to the Orpheum before to see Les Miserables, which was amazing, but this was an entirely different and equally fun experience. 


Since the movie is very blue-grassy and has a lot of bluegrass music throughout, there was a live bluegrass band playing before the show. They were so good and the crowd got really into it, which was fun.

I definitely plan on going to see at least one more movie this summer... we really had a great time! If you're in the Memphis area go go go!! The tickets are only $7.. hello!!! it's so much better than a normal overpriced movie theater. Oh, and you can still order some popcorn. 


  1. That looks and sounds like so much fun- what a cool place!!

    Plus I love bluegrass. If only Memphis was a little closer...

  2. I love going to the Orpheum. I've seen those movies, but didn't really know what it was.. we might try to go one night!

  3. WOW the inside of that theater is SO GORGEOUS!

  4. I love the Orpheum! I had no idea that they played movies, but O Brother Where Art Thou would be so fun to see there!

  5. I really need to do this.


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