07 February 2013

A New Look

Ten Feet Off Beale Watercolor Banner

If you haven't already noticed, my blog has gotten a new look... and I'm obsessed (seriously, Jeremy is sick and tired of hearing about it).While I loved my old design (which I did all on my own), I felt like it was time for a little blog makeover. 

In comes Kendra, a fellow blogger who I even got to meet a few times! She designs blogs and I always love her work sooooo I asked to help me make a new one. All I told her was that I wanted it Memphis-y and possibly to include some embroidery details... um... that is exactly what she did and it is even better than I could have possibly ever imagined!!!

Sooo thank you so much, Kendra!!! I am thrilled and love it so much (if you can't already tell). 

To everyone else, do you know read her blog? No? Well, you probably should... she's the best!


  1. The new blog design looks AMAZING!!!! I love the quality of your pics - what type of camera do you have? and do you love it? I am trying to convince the hubby that we need a new one :)

  2. Looove your design!! I'm going to be getting a blog makeover at the end of this month, and CANNOT wait haha.

  3. It looks great and definitely Memphis-y.

  4. Oh--- I LOVE it! Looks absolutely great girl!

  5. I love it. I'm really leaning toward moving my header to the side just like that. I've been thinking about changing my design altogether lately. I think I'm ready to take the plunge.

  6. I've been following her blog for some time, and she is ridiculously talented!


  7. I LOVE it! Now I'm tempted to get a redesign too!

  8. I've been fully MIA from the blog/internet world the past week (or three) and you cannot imagine my reaction to seeing this new design. It looks BEAUTIFUL!! So fluid and the embroidery element is just perfect. Way to take the plunge into a new look for your blog :) :)

  9. i will definitely check her out bc i love the new design (:


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