15 March 2013

Tids & Bits

Just checking in today with some things going on around here:

- Memphis in May BBQ Fest might be one of the biggest things to happen in Memphis.. I may or may not be on a team this year.. pretty exciting stuff!

- Happy St. Patrick's Day Weekend! I'm not even a little bit Irish but I will be wearing green all weekend. I hope you all have some fun things planned.

- Are you tired of hearing about google reader yet? If you haven't heard (aka you live under a rock or aren't a blogger), if you use google reader to read my blog, you won't be able to anymore! A good alternative is Bloglovin' whichhh you can follow by clicking:
Follow on Bloglovin
- The above Instagram is my favorite picture I took this week. I just love those door handles... so Memphis with the music notes and all! I have no idea what building this is. There is no sign or anything! I have to do some more sleuthing.. maybe I'll just try to open one of the doors one day.
- It is supposed to be in the 70s and sunny today and tomorrow.. I can't even begin to tell you how happy this makes me!!! Sunshine, oh how I've missed you!
- So, anything exciting going on with you?? I'd love to hear :)



  1. that is SO fun that you are going to be on a team for BBQ fest!

  2. You are so cute! I love your reflection in the glass! TGIF!

  3. Oh let us know if you join a BBQ Fest team! One of the developers I work with invited me to his friend's BBQ tent for this year, so I hope to take him up on that. I've never had the experience!

  4. So ready for the weekend & the great weather that's coming!

  5. Being that I'm born and raised not far from Memphis, I love that you capture it in your blog! love this post girlie!

  6. Now following via Bloglovin. Would LOVE to have you join our weekly Bloglovin Hop, too.

    Bloglovin Blog Hop

    Take care,
    Happy Kids, Inc

  7. I am so happy that the weather is getting warmer. I had a birthday party with my family and friends outside on my parents' deck yesterday.

  8. Love love love those door handles!

  9. Hope you had a wonderful St Patty's day weekend!

  10. I'm actually glad I've switched to Bloglovin! I can organize blogs into folders, etc. Loving it!

    Hope you have a wonderful day!

    The Hartungs Blog


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