01 October 2013

Cloudy with a Chance of Baby Showers

Baby Shower Invitation // Ten Feet Off Beale http://www.tenfeetoffbeale.com
This weekend, I had the opportunity to shower my future sister-in-law and my soon-to-be niece at not one, but TWO baby showers!!

Kevin and Virginia (Jeremy's brother and sister-in-law) live in Austin, Texas so we haven't seen much of them lately! They're expecting their first child in November and I am so thankful that we had this time to spend with them as they prepare to welcome Laney into the world.

On Saturday, I went with Virginia to a baby shower thrown for her by some friends of hers and then on Sunday my friend Amy and I threw our own baby shower. It was a busy weekend but it was a weekend full of love for little baby Laney and I absolutely cannot wait to meet her!!

Owl Baby Shower // Ten Feet Off Beale http://www.tenfeetoffbeale.com


  1. Love baby showers


  2. What an absolutely precious baby shower!!! :-) Congrats to them!!


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