15 November 2013


Thousand Islands Embroidery Hoop // Ten Feet Off Beale http://www.tenfeetoffbeale.com
Things have been going pretty great for Ten Feet Off Beale lately!! So many doors have been opening for this little blog of mine. Remember last week when I posted about the special hoop I made depicting the Thousand Islands? Well, the editor of Thousand Islands Life, an online magazine, got a Google alert that I had mentioned the 1000 Islands. She asked for permission to publish my hoop in their newest issue of the magazine! Of course, I said yes!!

I was so happy to make this special hoop and I'm even happier that I can share it with people who know and love the Thousand Islands.

If you have a second, go check it out! It's a good feeling having my work recognized like this.


  1. Oh, that's awesome girl!

  2. Wow, that's so awesome!!! Congratulations!!!

  3. Ah congratulations! That's really wonderful!

  4. That's amazing! I love your hoops!! Congrats!

  5. So cute - I really want to get into hoop-making..yours are so lovely!

  6. So happy that you are getting recognized! These are precious!


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