10 January 2014


Custom Monogram Embroidery Hoop // Ten Feet Off Beale http://www.etsy.com/shop/tenfeetoffbeale

It's no secret that pretty much everyone loves a monogram (especially bloggers). I was thrilled when I receieved these custom orders to make monograms and figured I would include them in my shop!

As of right now I've only made a red, purple, and pink monograms on a black chevron background. I defffffinitelyy plan on expanding, I just didn't want to keep these all to myself any longer! I've made my listing totally customizable so you can pretty much come up with any color/fabric combination you can think of!

Here's the link for ya!

Do you have any color or fabric suggestions that you'd like to see listed in my shop??


  1. These are wonderful!!! Come September when I get married, my husband and I are going to have the same initials so I am going to go monogram CRAZY!!! If I were to buy one, I'd maybe want a slightly lighter chevron to see the monogram a bit better?

    Great work!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have like 567 different hoop ideas in my head!! haha!! I am going to order one ASAP!


I appreciate each and every comment!! I love hearing from my readers :)